Why you need us...

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To Save Money

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The Numbers Speak for Themselves


  • Full-time CMO Salary: $180,000 - $250,000+
  • Additional Overhead: Benefits, bonuses, and training add 30-40%
  • Total Cost for a Year: $234,000 - $350,000+




  • Our Consultant Fee: $200 per hour
  • Typical Engagement: 2 - 3 hours a week
  • Total Cost for a Year (2.5 hours/week at $200/hour): $26,000


Potential Savings: $154,000 - 324,000 every year. Consider what else you could invest this in.


It's the definition of a no-brainer win-win! You don't need us full-time. You need our full career's worth of experience to tap into on-demand.

Let Us Manage Your Digital Marketing

Many marketing agencies spread themselves too thin. When they do this, you end up paying for their training. Don't fall prey to cheap agencies. If you want results you need a boutique agency that specializes in your industry type.

Many times, business owners become fixated on the fees instead of the results. If the results aren't there, you lose not just the wasted clicks but also many opportunities. Most people find themselves in one of two situations when they finally decide to seek another marketing solution:

1. Not enough leads.

2. Not enough leads and paying too much for the leads they are getting.

King Digital focuses on high quality conversions first. Then we focus on dominating the market. Don't let your competitors acquire your customers because your agency is either blowing your budget on low quality leads or playing it so safe that you aren't even discovered by your potential customers.

The clock is ticking.

Meet your new success team.

Let's hop on a quick, free call and talk about you, your ideas, and opportunities.

Paid Search Specialist and Copywriter

Bernadette King

I am a former copywriter/editor and current digital marketing specialist. I got my start in digital marketing by taking over the paid search efforts for our family owned business. This decision was initially made out of desperation because we had been failed by our agencies one too many times. Now with a decade of experience, I have developed a highly trained muscle for building engaging, converting sites and maximizing return on ad spend for digital leads. After helping other franchise owners with their digital marketing, specifically teaching them how to interpret the data and to hold their agencies accountable, I realized that there may be others out there with successful service businesses that could use my expertise to grow their businesses.

Marketing Strategist at King Digital

Neil King

This is Neil. He's the head of marketing strategy. After working as a home services franchise owner, he wanted to move into a boutique agency where he could spread his creative wings and help other business owners be successful in the everchanging world of digital marketing and strategy. He's also really good with numbers. When Neil isn't wowing clients, he's singing karaoke with his sons or cooking an amazing meal for his family.

Let's get started.

We are here for you. We're excited to start brainstorming ideas for your website and marketing campaign. Schedule your free initial consultation to chat with a digital lead generation expert, inspire ideas, and learn how our team can help you grow your business.